Impact Lives Globally

Create online courses using text, slides, and videos and begin earning money by teaching people all around the world.

smiling girl

Join us Today!


Vibrant Team

Join our team of vibrant individuals who want to reach out to the world and make a lasting impact on learners in careers such as Full Stack, DevOps, Cloud Computing, Big Data, etc,.


Limitless Reward

Teach and build a network of globally certified professionals while getting monetary rewards for doing everything you love.


Work Remotely

Whether you’re a certified teacher looking to make some extra money or a professional keen on sharing knowledge, joining ATI lets you work remotely from anywhere in the world.

Criteria for Becoming an Instructor With Us?

As part of our policy to ensure world-class quality for our courses, we require industry-specific qualifications and other criteria from anyone who works with us.

  • A great deal of passion for teaching and sharing knowledge
  • Domain expertise with relevant certifications
  • Cognitive experience in specific industry
  • Strong communication and presentation skills
  • A commitment to developing and delivering training and mentorship to a global audience

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